Hydrogen Health Benchtop Water Filter


Hydrogen Health Benchtop Water Filter

$1,750.00 GST

Innovative. Modern. Essential.

A powerful and portable solution for creating an absorbable essential in its ultimate bioactive form.

Inner Support

Balance Healthy Microbiome & Metabolic Function


Hydrating Skin Restoration & Collagen Production

Bio-Energy Boost

Mitachondria Powerup & Cellular Signaling

Within The Cell

Hydrogen gas is a small, powerful, and effective antioxidant that targets harmful free radicals by neutralizing them through donating electrons.

This ability allows hydrogen to access mitochondria within cells, including brain cells, and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which can lead to cell dysfunction and disease development.

Filtration System

The water filtration system uses two types of cartridges to ensure thorough purification. The physical filtering cartridge targets physical impurities, effectively removing dirt and silt while protecting against overload. It also handles odour extraction and sediment retention and can eliminate up to 99% of chlorine and chloramines.

Meanwhile, the chemical impurity filtering cartridge addresses chemical contaminants, removing up to 99% of fluoride and other chemical pollutants. It purifies pesticides, toxins, and pathogens and effectively extracts heavy metals and a wide spectrum of impurities.



Experience pure, clean water like never before with our advanced multistage filtering system. It skillfully targets a wide range of impurities to give you water of exceptional purity.

Multistage Filtering

Flouride, Chlorine, Chemicals, Pathogens & Metals

Automatic Filtering

Responsive TDS Indicator, Automatic Fill

Hydrogen Rich

Ionic PEM Membrane & Eletrolysis Technology


High Thermal Heating

Rapid Heat System


Transforming essential nutrients into the ultimate bioactive form and energising them with our innovative medical engineering design.


Our design combines powerful functionality with simple usability, featuring responsive filtering and a multi-touch display.

Multi Touch Display

Press & Hold Function Control

Portal and High Volume

5 Litre Storage Capacity

What's Changed and Why

We have developed a cutting-edge formula that incorporates a highly bioavailable and potent antioxidant into a specialized water-based formulation. This innovative product is designed to combat and reverse the cellular damage and aging caused by oxidative stress.

Understanding Stress

Physical, emotional, and chemical stress affect well-being. Avoid physical stress from sitting with good posture. Emotional stress damages cells, while chemical stress from diet and pollution disrupts body function. Understanding these helps maintain health.

The most common cause of physical stress, prolonged sitting, is entirely preventable. By being mindful of your posture and taking regular breaks, you can avoid the gradual muscle alterations in your back that lead to spine misalignment. This proactive approach can help maintain the function of your central nervous system.

Emotional stress is a universally experienced form of stress that causes oxidative damage to the cells via free radicals. Understanding that this is a common issue can help you feel less alone in your struggles. The negative effect of oxidative stress can cause cell functioning issues and impact your overall well-being.

This refers to an imbalance of chemicals in the body, affecting the body’s ability to function efficiently. The main causes of chemical stress for the internal is through diet, coffee and alcohol. External chemicals include environmental pollution such as car exhaust, toxic air like cigarette smoke, and food chemicals like preservatives and additives.

Molecular Hydrogen

Have you ever wondered why we feel so good walking in the woods, on a beach, near a river, or breathing fresh air after rain? It’s because the air is filled with electrically charged particles called ions. Both positive and negative ions occur naturally, but modern environments have more sources of positive ions, creating an electrical imbalance and increasing free radicals.

Free radicals are reactive molecules that result from normal metabolism and damage cells, contributing to aging. They steal electrons from healthy cells to neutralize their charge. Hydrogen helps neutralize free radicals by providing the needed electrons, effectively balancing oxidative stress and producing water (H2O) as a byproduct without causing the imbalances that can occur with other antioxidants.

The Science of Hydration

Hydrogen’s small size allows it to penetrate all cells and organs, providing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergic benefits while also triggering additional protective enzymes and improving cell functionality.

Hydrogen’s small size allows it to diffuse into every organ and cell, maximizing its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-allergy effects. It protects subcellular compartments and scavenges cytotoxic oxygen radicals, safeguarding DNA, RNA and proteins from oxidative stress.

Hydrogen provides energy through antioxidants, maintaining healthy function and hydration. It also triggers the activation of additional antioxidant enzymes and cytoprotective proteins in the body.

Infused molecular hydrogen acts as a signal, improving cell functionality, including anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and anti-apoptotic (anti-cell death) effects.


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